Recommended Steps For Emergency Preparedness And Response

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This is a complete guide on how you can ensure your family's emergency preparedness and response. You'll know how to prepare for emergencies and how to respond to them to ensure your family's safety.

The details..

In Practical Emergency Preparedness, readers will learn how to take personal responsibility for their family's safety and avoid becoming a refugee in a shelter. The book covers potential sources of crises such as natural disasters, terrorist threats, civil unrest, and economic instability. It also emphasizes the importance of heeding recommendations from organizations like U.S DHS and American Red Cross.

The author recommends progressive planning starting with three days' worth of emergency supplies that can be used whether you decide to bug in or out. This kit forms the foundation for further preparedness planning and action. Readers are then advised on building up supplies over time until they have enough provisions to last them at least three months.

Readers will find brief definitions throughout the book explaining terms like bugging in (staying put) versus bugging out (leaving quickly), DC bags (daily carry bag), get-home bags (24-hour survival kits), crunch backpacks/web-gear packed in garage/basement(bugging out for three weeks or more).

Overall, Practical Emergency Preparedness is an informative guide that helps readers develop their own plans based on their unique circumstances while providing essential knowledge about what it takes to survive unexpected emergencies.

Resource Info

Page count: 24
Size: 1311kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills